Shower Door Installation

Sandovals Glass Works specializes in shower door installation and repair. For comprehensive services dealing with all aspects of shower doors, you won't find anyone else better. A fully functioning shower door should not be underestimated. Its benefits are only recognized when you come across a faulty one. It protects your bathroom, your floor, and tiles from excessive moisture, which can lead to mold growth, excess dirt, and other messes.

Excellent shower enclosures can improve your showering experience by making access to your facilities fast, easy, and convenient. If you're thinking of replacing your shower doors or installing a frameless shower, it can be an opportunity to add a touch of your own design to your bathroom. Whether you want something opaque, frosted glass, or other glass types for your shower doors, table tops, or closet mirror doors installation, we have every option to suit your unique tastes. Once you find something you like, we can provide the shower glass replacement or installation.

For new shower glass or a mirror wall replacement, contact Sandovals Glass Works in San Jacinto, CA today!